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Lando also provides wrapper commands called lando pull and lando push.

With lando pull you can import data and download files from your remote Acquia site. With lando push you can do the opposite, export data or upload files to your remote Acquia site.

Note that only database relationships are currently syncable.


Lando provides a command for Acquia sites called lando pull to get your database and files.

Note that if Lando cannot find an Acquia API key associated with your local site, it will prompt you to enter one. You can also switch to a different key by using the --key and --secret options.


# Pull the latest code, database and files
lando pull

# Skip a code merge
lando pull --code=none

# Pull only the database from the dev environment
lando pull --code=none --database=dev --files=none

# Attempt a pull using a different key and secret
lando pull --key "$ACQUIA_KEY" --secret "$ACQUIA_SECRET"


--verbose, -v   Runs with extra verbosity
--code, -c      The environment from which to pull the code
--database, -d  The environment from which to pull the database
--files, -f     The environment from which to pull the files
--key           An Acquia API key
--secret        An Acquia API secret

Please consult the manual import documentation below if this command produces an error.


While a best practices workflow suggests you put all your changes in code and push those changes with git, Lando provides a utility command for acquia recipes called lando push that pushes up any code, database or files changes you have made locally.

By default, we set --database or --files to none since this is the suggested best practice.

Note again that if Lando cannot find an Acquia API key associated with your local site, it will prompt you to enter one. You can also switch to a different key by using the --key and --secret options.


# Push the latest code, database and files
lando push


--verbose, -v   Runs with extra verbosity
--code, -c      The environment from which to pull the code
--database, -d  The environment from which to pull the database
--files, -f     The environment from which to pull the files
--key           An Acquia API key
--secret        An Acquia API secret