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Global Config

With great power comes great ability to really mess things up!

If you do not have a VERY good idea about how to modify the Lando global config, it is highly recommended that you do not!

You can also configure how Lando itself works using a file called config.yml. This config system is highly flexible and allows you to override basically anything that shows up when you run lando config. A few more common overrides are:

  • Any plugins Lando should not autoload
  • The verbosity of Lando's logs and console output
  • The directories Lando scans for plugins
  • The directories Lando scans for the config.yml itself.
  • The config of various loaded plugins

Note that there are some configuration options THAT MUST be set during the bootstrap of the lando object. For more information about how to bootstrap your own custom lando object, please consult the Lando API.


This file specifies the core configuration options for Lando. Lando will scan a few different directories for the presence of a config.yml file. If it finds one, it will override the default config. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS FILE IS DIFFERENT THAN YOUR LANDOFILE! If you add any of these settings to your Landofile, the expected result should be "nothing happens".

What directories are scanned?

Run lando config and look at the configSources key to find what directories are scanned for config.

Note that overrides will be merged in successively. This means the values in the last configSources take priority.

Environment Variables

You can also override any global config value using environment variables of the form envPrefix_config_value. So to change the mode you'd set:

export LANDO_MODE=mymode

For more complex config (e.g. an object or array), you can set the envvar to a JSON string and Lando will parse it for you. Note that Lando keys that are camelCase will be separated as envvars with _. For example, engineConfig will be accessible vis LANDO_ENGINE_CONFIG.

What is my envPrefix?

By default, this is LANDO but you can run lando config and look at the envPrefix key to discover yours.


Turning the proxy off

# Edit the config
echo "proxy: 'OFF'" >> ~/.lando/config.yml

# Poweroff lando
lando poweroff

# Reboot an app
lando start SOMEAPP

Set a bunch of custom stuff using a yaml file

Place this yaml file in at ~/.lando/config.yml. An example of a few things you can modify is shown below:

# Use a different docker daemon
# NOTE: This is not officially supported and should be used only under the most
# dire of circumstances
  port: 4333
  socketPath: null

# Make console log very silly
logLevelConsole: silly

# Disable the core plugin
# NOTE: Not a good idea
  - lando-core

# Change the default bind address to
# Note that this has security implications
bindAddress: ""

Set a config value through an ENVVAR

This assumes you are using LANDO as the envPrefix.

# Check the current config value for mode
lando config | grep mode
# "mode": "cli",

# Override with an envvar
export LANDO_MODE=mymode

# Check the new value
lando config | grep mode
# "mode": "mymode",

Set complicated config through an ENVVAR

# Check the current engine config
lando config
"engineConfig": {
  "host": "",
  "socketPath": "/var/run/docker.sock"

# Override with an envvar
export LANDO_ENGINE_CONFIG='{"host": "localhost"}'

# Check the new value
lando config
"engineConfig": {
  "host": "localhost",
  "socketPath": "/var/run/docker.sock"