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By default, Lando runs a traefik reverse proxy when needed so that users' apps can route stable, predictable and "nice" URLS to various ports inside of various services.

While you can configure the default domain of this proxy, we highly recommend you do not alter the default behavior unless you have a fairly compelling reason to do so. A compelling reason to not change them are that the default domain works "out of the box" while custom domains require additional setup.

Specifically, * is an actual ON THE INTERNET wildcard DNS entry that points all * subdomains to localhost/ This means that if you lose your internet connection, you will not be able to visit your app at these addresses. However, you can take steps to work around this restriction or use your own custom domain and handle the DNS yourself with dnsmasq or some other solution.

Proxying is not required

As long as your containers or services expose ports 80 and/or 443, Lando will smartly allocate localhost addresses for them. Proxying is meant to augment how your app is accessed with additional domains.

You can also tell Lando to scan additional ports with the moreHttpPorts key available in every service.

There is also a known issue called DNS rebinding protection which blocks this functionality.

Automatic Port Assignment

By default, Lando will attempt to bind the proxy to your host machine's port 80 and 443. If it cannot bind to these addresses, which is usually the case if something else like a local apache service is running, it will fallback to other commonly used ports such as 8888 and 444. The default and fallback ports Lando uses are all configurable.

Will bind to by default

For security reasons, Lando will force bind your ports to unless you have either explicitly set the Lando global config option bindAddress to something else OR you have overridden a service and set the bind.

For more information, check out the security docs.

If you want to use port 80 and 443 but cannot for the life of you figure out what is already using them, you can do a bit of discovery using lsof or by visiting localhost in your browser and seeing if you recognize what loads.

# Find out if any service listens on those ports.
sudo lsof -n -i :80 | grep LISTEN
sudo lsof -n -i :443 | grep LISTEN

# If any services are listed, you can try killing them or stopping them a different way.
sudo kill -9 $PID


You can add routing to various services and their ports using the top-level proxy config in your Landofile.

Because our proxy also benefits from our automatic certificate and CA setup, if you have a service with ssl: true then it will also be available over https. Note that many of our recipes will configure this for you automatically. There are also some caveats to this that you can read more about below.

Routing to port 80

Note that web and web2 are the names of some of your services. If you are unsure about the names of your services, run lando info.


Routing to a different port

You can suffix the domain with :PORT to change the default port from 80 to PORT. Note that this is the port that your service exposes from within Lando and not an external port. In the below example, this means that appserver exposes port 8888 and we want to route our request into Lando at appserver:8888.


Using a non domain

You can actually use any domain in your proxy settings but you will be responsible for their DNS resolution. See the configuration section below for more details.


If your custom domain does not end in and you are unsure about how to handle DNS resolution, use something like DNSMasq. Then you need to add the domain to your hosts file so that it points to

    - tippecanoe.tyler.too

Wildcard domains

If a service is able to listen to multiple domain names following a common pattern, you can use the * wildcard character to match any amount of alphanumeric characters and hyphens/dashes (-).

To match and, you can, for example, use * or *.*

Wildcard domains need to be encapsulated in quotations

If you are using a wildcard domain, you will need to write it as "*" and not * due to the way yaml parses files. If you do not do this, you should expect a yaml parse error.

    - "*"
    - "orthis.*"

Note that only single left-most wildcards eg *.my.other.domain will benefit from our automatic SSL cert generation. This is a restriction imposed on us directly by the SAN rules.


You can also have a specific path on a domain route to a service.


Sub subdomains

You can also sub.sub...sub.sub.domain.tld to your heart's content.



You can also combine the settings above into a single, real nasty looking, but still valid config.

    - "*"

This is still a valid proxy config!

Using https

The below assumes that you've read the Security Documentation and whitelisted our CA. If you have not done this then you will need to manually handle any browser warnings you get.

If Lando detects that a service has a cert available it will automatically configure an additional https proxy route for each. You can, however, manually trigger this by configuring the ssl and sslExpose options on each service.

    ssl: true
    sslExpose: true

The ssl: true choice implies sslExpose: true unless you explicitly set sslExpose: false.

The former will tell the service to attempt to generate a certificate.

The latter will expose the secure port (usually 443) for the service and assign a localhost:someport address to the service. This means that if your service does not actually plan to serve https by itself you may experience a hang as Lando tries to health scan a localhost https address that doesn't actually serve https. In these scenarios its best to tell Lando you just want a cert.

just generate a cert

    ssl: true
    sslExpose: false

In some rare scenarios a service does not boot up as root. This is especially true for the compose service. In these situations Lando will be unable to generate a cert and will fall back to the global wildcard certificate for the proxyDomain which is * by default.

This means that subdomains like will likely produce a browser warning. However, domains like will continue to work since they are covered by the global wildcard cert.

Proxy URLs Create 404 Error in Firefox

By default, Firefox will redirect http domains to https. If you have not enabled https for your proxy URLs, this will mean your proxy URLs will result in a 404 page not found error.

To fix this, either enable https for your Lando proxy urls, or disable HTTPS-Only Mode in Firefox following the steps under Add exceptions for HTTP websites when you’re in HTTPS-Only Mode.


For advanced usage like setting custom headers and redirects you can access traefik's middleware layer using the following config:

    - hostname:
      port: 80
      pathname: /
        - name: test
          key: headers.customrequestheaders.X-Lando-Test
          value: on
        - name: test-secured
          key: headers.customrequestheaders.X-Lando-Test-SSL
          value: on

Note that while name is arbitrary if it ends in -secured it will only be applied to https routes. Please consult the traefik documentation for the exact Docker label based syntax.


Various parts of the proxy are configurable via the Lando global config.

Again, you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY should not change these settings unless you have a good reason and know what you are doing!

The defaults and what they are good for is shown below:

# Set to anything else to disable
proxy: "ON"
# Set to rename the proxy container
proxyName: "landoproxyhyperion5000gandalfedition"
# Configure the ports and fallbacks
proxyHttpPort: 80
proxyHttpsPort: 443
  - 8000
  - 8080
  - 8888
  - 8008
  - 444
  - 4433
  - 4444
  - 4443
# Specify different fallback default certs
# NOTE: these paths are path INSIDE the proxy container
proxyDefaultCert: '/certs/cert.crt'
proxyDefaultKey: '/certs/cert.key'

# This is an advanced option but allows you to alter the proxy container boot up
# configuration
  - "/"
  - "--log.level=DEBUG"
  - "--api.insecure=true"
  - "--api.dashboard=false"
  - "--providers.docker=true"
  - "--entrypoints.https.address=:443"
  - "--entrypoints.http.address=:80"
  - "--providers.docker.exposedbydefault=false"
  - ""
  - ""
# This is an object you can use to configure dynamic traefik 2 config
# NOTE: that it must be in YAML format
proxyCustom: {}
# Disable this and traefik will not try to use the certs generated by services
# This is useful in combination with proxyCustom so you can use your own certs
proxyPassThru: true

# For security reasons we bind the proxy to
# If unset this will default to the `bindAddress` value
proxyBindAddress: ""
# Legacy, use the "domain" setting below instead

# Editing the domain will also generate a new Lando CA
# See the Security docs for more info on that

You will need to do a lando poweroff to apply these changes.

Note that we generate a Certificate Authority based on the domain and use this CA to sign wildcard certs for each service. This means that we are inherently bound to certain restrictions governing wildcard certificates. For example, if you set domain to a top level domain such as test, you should not expect our wildcard certs to work correctly. It is recommended you use a first level subdomain such as me.test or local.test.

Working Offline or Using Custom Domains

If you are working offline and/or have added custom domains and want to get them to work, you will need to edit your hosts file. Generally, this file is located at /etc/hosts on Linux and macOS and C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\host on Windows. You will need administrative privileges to edit this file.

Here is a good read if you are not very familiar with the hosts file, how to edit it and how it works.

An example is shown below:

# Get my `` domain to work offline

# Get my custom domain to work billy.dee.williams

For a more comprehensive doc on this, please check out our Working Offline Guide.