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From Source

Before you install from source you need to first make sure you've manually installed the below dependencies:

Once you've completed the above then install the lando CLI from source:

# Clone the Lando source
git clone cli

# Install its dependencies
cd cli && npm install

# Set up a symlink
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
sudo ln -s $(pwd)/bin/lando /usr/local/bin/lando

# Run lando from source

# Run lando setup to ensure all needed dependencies eg Docker are installed
lando setup

Note that to use bash symlinks on Windows you need to do a bunch of other stuff first. There isn't really a great singular guide on how to do this however this and this seemed to be best.

It's also possible that you may be able to skip the symlink step and just directly invoke lando shellenv like:

# directly invoke shellenv
node bin/lando shellenv --add

# then source the rc file lando modified or open up a new terminal