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Starting your first app

Now that you've got Lando installed you should try a few easy examples before you get into it.

Hello World!

# Create a new directory for this example and enter it
mkdir hello && cd hello

# And add a nice homepage
echo "<h1>Lando says hellooo what have we here?</h1>" > index.html

# Initialize a basic LAMP stack using the cwd as the source
lando init \
  --source cwd \
  --recipe lamp \
  --webroot . \
  --name hello-lando

# Check out the Landofile it created for you
cat .lando.yml

# Start it up
lando start

# Check out the commands you can run

# Visit the site in your browser:

# Destroy the site
lando destroy -y

Vanilla Drupal 11

You can also pull in code from an external archive (or git repo/GitHub) to seed a new project.

# Create a new directory for this example and enter it
mkdir drupal11 && cd drupal11

# Initialize a new lando drupal using vanilla Drupal 9
lando init \
  --source remote \
  --remote-url \
  --remote-options="--strip-components 1" \
  --recipe drupal11 \
  --webroot . \
  --name hello-drupal11

# Start the site
lando start

# Install a site local drush
lando composer require drush/drush

# Install drupal
lando drush site:install --db-url=mysql://drupal11:drupal11@database/drupal11 -y

# Check out your new site!

# Log in as admin with Drush
lando drush uli -l

# Destroy it
lando destroy -y

From Pantheon

If you have a Pantheon account you can clone a site locally.

# Create a new directory for this example and enter it
mkdir pantheon && cd pantheon

# Go through interactive prompts to get your site from pantheon
lando init --source pantheon

# Start it up
lando start

# Import your database and files
lando pull


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