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While Lando recipes set sane defaults so they work out of the box, they are also configurable.

Here are the configuration options, set to the default values, for this recipe's Landofile. If you are unsure about where this goes or what this means we highly recommend scanning the recipes documentation to get a good handle on how the magicks work.

recipe: wordpress
  php: '7.4'
  composer_version: '2.0.7'
  via: apache:2.4
  webroot: .
  database: mysql:5.7
  xdebug: false
    database: SEE BELOW
    php: SEE BELOW
    server: SEE BELOW
    vhosts: SEE BELOW

Note that if the above config options are not enough, all Lando recipes can be further extended and overriden.

Choosing a php version

You can set php to any version that is available in our php service. However, you should consult the WordPress requirements to make sure that version is actually supported by WordPress itself.

The recipe config to set the WordPress recipe to use php version 7.1 is shown below:

recipe: wordpress
  php: '7.1'

Choosing a composer version

You can set composer_version to any version that is available in our php service.

recipe: wordpress
  composer_version: '1.10.1'

Choosing a web server

By default, this recipe will be served by the default version of our apache service but you can also switch this to use nginx. We highly recommend you check out both the apache and nginx services before you change the default via.

With Apache (default)

recipe: wordpress
  via: apache

With nginx

recipe: wordpress
  via: nginx

Choosing a database backend

By default, this recipe will use the default version of our mysql service as the database backend but you can also switch this to use mariadb or 'postgres' instead. Note that you can also specify a version as long as it is a version available for use with lando for either mysql, mariadb or postgres.

If you are unsure about how to configure the database, we highly recommend you check out the mysql, mariadband 'postgres' services before you change the default.

Also note that like the configuration of the php version you should consult the WordPress requirements to make sure the database and version you select is actually supported by WordPress itself.

Using MySQL (default)

recipe: wordpress
  database: mysql

Using MariaDB

recipe: wordpress
  database: mariadb

Using Postgres

recipe: wordpress
  database: postgres

Using a custom version

recipe: wordpress
  database: postgres:14


If you are setting up an existing WordPress site you probably need to modify the wp-config.php so that Lando can connect to your database.

Your DB connection info may differ

Note that your database credentials may differ from below since they are customizable. If you have done this we recommend you run lando info first and use the internal_connection information to populate the below values.

Here are a few ways you can modify wp-config.php for usage with Lando. You will want to make sure these go at the TOP of wp-config.php.

1. Hardcode the values

/** This will ensure these are only loaded on Lando  */
if (getenv('LANDO')) {
  /** The name of the database for WordPress */
  define('DB_NAME', 'wordpress');
  /** MySQL database username */
  define('DB_USER', 'wordpress');
  /** MySQL database password */
  define('DB_PASSWORD', 'wordpress');
  /** MySQL hostname */
  define('DB_HOST', 'database');

  /** URL routing (Optional, may not be necessary) */
  // define('WP_HOME','');
  // define('WP_SITEURL','');


/** This will ensure these are only loaded on Lando */
if (getenv('LANDO_INFO')) {
  /**  Parse the LANDO INFO  */
  $lando_info = json_decode(getenv('LANDO_INFO'));

  /** Get the database config */
  $database_config = $lando_info->database;
  /** The name of the database for WordPress */
  define('DB_NAME', $database_config->creds->database);
  /** MySQL database username */
  define('DB_USER', $database_config->creds->user);
  /** MySQL database password */
  define('DB_PASSWORD', $database_config->creds->password);
  /** MySQL hostname */
  define('DB_HOST', $database_config->internal_connection->host);

  /** URL routing (Optional, may not be necessary) */
  // define('WP_HOME','');
  // define('WP_SITEURL','');

We also recommend you check out this helpful doc on the wp-config.php file.

Connecting to your database

Lando will automatically set up a database with a user and password and also set an environment variable called LANDO INFO that contains useful information about how your application can access other Lando services.

The default database connection information for a WordPress site is shown below:

Note that the host is not localhost but database.

database: wordpress
username: wordpress
password: wordpress
host: database
# for mysql
port: 3306
# for postgres
# port: 5432

You can get also get the above information, and more, by using the lando info command.

Using custom config files

You may need to override our default WordPress config with your own.

If you do this, you must use files that exist inside your application and express them relative to your project root as shown below:

Note that the default files may change based on how you set both ssl and via. Also note that the vhosts and server config will be either for apache or nginx depending on how you set via. We highly recommend you check out both the apache and nginx if you plan to use a custom vhosts or server config.

A hypothetical project

Note that you can put your configuration files anywhere inside your application directory. We use a config directory but you can call it whatever you want such as .lando in the example below:

|-- config
   |-- default.conf
   |-- my-custom.cnf
   |-- php.ini
   |-- server.conf
|-- index.php
|-- .lando.yml

Landofile using custom wordpress config

recipe: wordpress
    database: config/my-custom.cnf
    php: config/php.ini
    server: config/server.conf
    vhosts: config/default.conf