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Getting Started


Before you get started with this recipe we assume that you have:

  1. Installed Lando and gotten familiar with its basics.
  2. Initialized a Landofile for your codebase for use with this recipe.
  3. Read about the various services, tooling, events and routing Lando offers.

Quick Start

Try out the relevant commands below to spin up a new Landoified vanilla WordPress site.

# Create folder and enter it
mkdir wordpress && cd wordpress

# Initialize a wordpress recipe using the latest WordPress version
lando init \
  --source remote \
  --remote-url \
  --recipe wordpress \
  --webroot wordpress \
  --name my-first-wordpress-app

# Start it up
lando start

# List information about this app
lando info

# Create a WordPress config file
lando wp config create \
  --dbname=wordpress \
  --dbuser=wordpress \
  --dbpass=wordpress \
  --dbhost=database \

# Install WordPress
lando wp core install \
  --url= \
  --title="My First Wordpress App" \
  --admin_user=admin \
  --admin_password=password \ \
# Create folder and enter it
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Name "wordpress" | Set-Location

# Initialize a wordpress recipe using the latest WordPress version
lando init `
  --source remote `
  --remote-url `
  --recipe wordpress `
  --webroot wordpress `
  --name my-first-wordpress-app

# Start it up
lando start

# List information about this app
lando info

# Create a WordPress config file
lando wp config create `
  --dbname=wordpress `
  --dbuser=wordpress `
  --dbpass=wordpress `
  --dbhost=database `

# Install WordPress
lando wp core install `
  --url= `
  --title="My First Wordpress App" `
  --admin_user=admin `
  --admin_password=password ` `

Log in with admin and password at